Mon - Fr:  8am - 4.30pm | Sat:  8am - 4pm
Sun: 10am - 4pm
Closed Public Holidays

Saturday the 23rd Of Dec - 8am till 4pm
Sunday 24th of Dec - Closed
Reopening: 8th of January 2024

08 8443 8827

19-25 Murray Street
Thebarton SA, 5031

Waste Management Adelaide - Skip Bin Hire Adelaide - Metrowaste

Disposal of Asbestos Is So Important… Here`s Why!


You've probably heard about asbestos, but have you ever considered why its disposal is such a big deal? Let's discuss this together, and we promise to keep it simple and exciting—just like we're having a coffee chat!

Asbestos might ring a bell, especially if you live in an older neighbourhood in Adelaide. It's been a part of our buildings for decades, but here's the kicker: it can be pretty nasty if not handled correctly. Now, don't worry. We’re not here to scare you. 

In Australia, we're all about looking out for each other and our beautiful environment, right? Well, properly disposing of asbestos is a big part of that. Whether you're a recycling guru or just starting to learn, we all need to get clued up on this. It's not just about following the rules; it's about keeping our communities safe and healthy.

What Exactly Is Asbestos? 

A class of minerals known as asbestos was formerly extensively used in buildings due to its fireproof qualities. Think about older homes and buildings in our city—many contain asbestos. But here's the thing—when asbestos is damaged or disturbed, it releases fine fibres into the air. These fibres, invisible to the naked eye, can pose serious health risks if inhaled.

The Hidden Dangers of Asbestos

Now, let's talk about why asbestos is not something to take lightly. When these tiny fibres get into your lungs, they can cause severe diseases like asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma—a type of cancer that's particularly nasty. And it's not just a health issue. Improperly disposed of asbestos can harm our beautiful Adelaide environment, affecting soil and water quality.

Legal and Safe Disposal of Asbestos in Australia

Here in Australia, we have strict rules for handling and disposing of asbestos. It's crucial to follow these guidelines for everyone's safety. You can't just chuck it in your regular bin! Safe disposal involves carefully sealing and labelling asbestos waste and taking it to a designated disposal site. And guess what? Adelaide has specific facilities for this, ensuring safe and legal disposal.

Metro Waste’s Role in Asbestos Disposal

Metro Waste, right here in Adelaide, is a pro at this. We’ve got the expertise and the equipment to handle asbestos safely. Whether it's from a small home renovation or a big commercial project, we know what to do. We ensure that asbestos is disposed of safely for people and the environment.

The Impact of Proper Disposal on Community Health

By disposing of asbestos correctly, we're not just following rules but also caring for our community's health. It's about looking out for each other and ensuring our neighbourhoods are safe places to live and breathe.

You might not know that asbestos can be found in some unexpected places, like old vinyl tiles or insulation around pipes. That's why it's always best to call in the experts, like Metro Waste, before starting any renovation in an older home.

Wrap Up! 

Disposing of asbestos is crucial for our health and the environment. And remember, Metro Waste is here to help with all your asbestos disposal in Adelaide . By understanding the importance of this task and taking the proper steps, you're playing a vital role in keeping our city safe and healthy. So, next time you come across asbestos, you know exactly what to do!